What options do I have?

Ignore it

If this is the first time you’ve received nude images from this person, they may be experimenting with you or looking for a reaction or response.

If you ignore the message, this can often give the signal that you are not interested in seeing any more.


Ask them why they sent it

If someone you know sent you the photo or video (and you didn’t ask for it), you might want to simply ask “Why would you send me that picture?” and see what they say.

It might have been a genuine mistake or a misunderstanding.  This gives them an opportunity to explain themselves before you decide what to do next (if anything).


Let them know that this could be against the law

Depending on your relationship with the sender and how you feel, you might want to consider letting them know that sharing nudes without permission could be against the law.

They may be unaware and think that it is a ‘bit of fun’ or that sending the image is ok.

Letting them know that there could be consequences for sharing the image could stop it from being shared further.


Block the sender

Stop the chance of receiving any more nudes from the person by blocking them.

Check out the icons below to find out how to do this on the different platforms

Report it and Block the Sender

All Social Media platforms have reporting and Blocking tools and nudes would breach most of their standards.

Taking a screenshot of the photo and any messages sent alongside it can help you with your reporting.

Report the message using the steps below and think about stopping the chance of receiving any more nudes from the person by blocking them.

Check out the icons below to find out how to do this on the different platforms


Get in touch with Netsafe

If you need help, advice or support with any kind of online issue (including Nudes) , Netsafe can help.

They are a non-profit organisation with a helpline set up to help people with online safety and online issues.

Netsafe have years of experience in helping young people deal with harm online, their service is free and confidential.

Find out more by visiting their website or checking out the services section.


Talk to someone about it 

It can often be really weird, creepy or unsettling to receive a nude out of nowhere.

It can be helpful to share what happened with someone else so you can talk it through.  You can get advice or work out whether you need to take it further.

Don’t Share the Photo

It can sometimes be really tempting to share the photo with your friends as a ‘private joke’ or as part of a group chat.

Doing this, even within a closed group can make things spread really quickly and could put you at risk of having a complaint made against you for sharing a nude image without permission.
